Editorial Policies
Objectives and scopes
The Poison® is a scientific journal aimed at the dissemination of knowledge in Clinical Toxicology. It publishes high-quality articles based on international standards and expert review. As it is an open journal published in English, it allows readers worldwide to access the latest breakthroughs in toxicology.
Peer review
The Poison® is published under peer-to-peer review. Authors will be contacted by email within the 15 (fifteen) days of submitting the manuscript to be informed whether their work has been accepted for revision or rejected. All the original articles, reviews, case reports and others considered relevant by the editors are sent to external reviewers. The identity of the authors and reviewers is kept confidential (double blind).
The process shall be performed by two reviewers selected by the Editorial Board among specialists in each field. They will thoroughly check the manuscript. Should any discrepancies regarding the contents arise, a third reviewer will be invited to participate. They will have a 4-week (four-week) period to examine the manuscript and, based on their report, the Editorial Board may request subsequent amendments. The reviewers’ report shall express whether the article is accepted without amendments, accepted with amendments, or rejected. Their decision is final and shall be informed by the editors to the author within the 3 (three) months after the assessment for section A manuscripts, and 2 (two) months for those of sections B, C and D.
In turn, those articles accepted for publication in The Poison® shall undergo copy-editing, translation (if applicable), editing and layout design. The authors shall check their manuscript and approve the final version before publication.
Publication frequency
The Poison® is published biannually, in January and June. The contents of this journal are published collectively as part of an issue. Occasionally, articles may be published at other times if the Editorial Board and the author/s so decide (continuous publication).
Conflicts of interests
All the authors should state any conflict of financial interest or any other interest that may bias the results or interpretation of the article. Therefore, together with the manuscript they should attach the Declaration of Interests Form available in the Authors section of The Poison®. In turn, journal policies require that no editor has any financial relationship with biomedical companies that may bias their work.
Image manipulation
When sending their manuscripts, authors should describe and indicate clearly all modification, selective editing and digital improvements performed on any image.
Identifiable patients
Authors should eliminate any information appearing in photographs or text of the manuscript that may contribute to identifying the patient. Should this be impossible, the presentations must be accompanied by an authorisation of the patient through an Informed Consent. We suggest consulting the latter and the Author Submission Guidelines in The Poison®’s official website.
Registration of clinical trials
The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and The Poison® require that researchers register their clinical trials in acceptable clinical trial registries before enrolment of the patients. Articles describing primary outcomes of non-registered trials shall be rejected before peer-review.
In order to be acceptable, a registry must be managed by a not-for-profit organisation, be accessible to the public and include the 20 (twenty) items required by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Data Sharing
The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and The Poison® require that researchers submit a data sharing statement and register a data sharing plan when registering a trial.
The Poison® acknowledges that there are many ways of performing statistical analyses and solving problems in this field. Should there be any doubt about the results or specific statistic mistakes, the journal's reviewers/editors may request additional information not included in the material submitted.
Presubmission inquiry
If the objective is to publish a systematic or narrative review in The Poison®, the author is requested to send an email to editorial@thepoisonjournal.com. The name and surname of the first author, affiliated institution, title of the proposed review and its relevance must be mentioned in the main body. If a favourable response from the Editorial Board is received, the author shall continue with the usual manuscript submission process.
Open access policy
The Poison® provides free and immediate access to its contents to any reader, without any subscription fees or registration requirement. However, the authors whose works are accepted should pay an Article Processing Charge (APC), as stated below.
Once the publication of the work has been approved, The Poison® retains the rights to its total or partial reproduction. Those wishing to reproduce material published in the journal must request permission from The Poison®. Likewise, to include copyrighted material from other sources in articles to be published in the journal, the corresponding permission must be obtained (see next section).
Permission to reproduce material digitally and/or in print
The authors are responsible for obtaining all the necessary permissions to reproduce any copyrighted material. In that case, the Permission to reproduce material digitally and/or in print shall be attached when submitting the manuscript, as stated in the Author Submission Guidelines available in The Poison®'s web page.
Likewise, the written authorisation of the patients whose photographs are included in the article (see Identifiable Patients section) must be certified.
Advertising policies
The Poison® has advertising space in each issue of the journal, as well as in its official web page, newsletters and social networks. As it is an open-access journal, readers worldwide may freely explore The Poison®’s contents, provided they have Internet access and/or they download its contents. This characteristic ensures optimal exposure thus maximising the business of the advertisers.
Our fees are competitive and depend on the location, position and size of the advertisement. The first step will be sending an email to marketing@thepoisonjournal.com requesting information, and you will be contacted shortly. You will be requested to send your advertisement in a specific format that meets The Poison®’s parameters. Otherwise, our design team will do it for a reasonable fee.
Finally, you are reminded that all advertisement is subject to prior approval by Panamerican Toxicology® Press, in compliance with its objectives as publisher and its ethical principles. It shall not be held liable for mistakes in the advertisements after their proof has been approved or after auto-delivery.
Plagiarism detection
Each manuscript to be reviewed shall be evaluated for plagiarism. To that end, The Poison® uses the services offered, among others, by Crossref Similarity Check®. Should any anomaly arise, the reviewers will take the corresponding measures based on the guidelines suggested in the Flowchart of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Article Processing Charge (APC)
The Poison® requests the payment of a specific amount for the editing service for all the articles accepted for publication. It should be paid within 7 (seven) days after the final acceptance of the manuscript by bank transfer to the journal’s bank account (banking information to be sent by email).
The Poison® offers APC waivers to papers whose authors are based in countries classified by the World Bank as low-income economies.
For the time being, depending on the section, APCs are as follows:
SECTION A: original articles, short communications, systematic reviews, narrative reviews and mini-reviews USD$ 300
SECTION B: case reports and images in Toxicology USD$ 150
SECTION C: correspondence (letters to the editor and letters of response) FREE OF CHARGE
NB Only for Argentina, publication fees are ARS$ 10,000 for section A and ARS$ 5,000 for section B. Sections C and D are free of charge (the same as for foreign authors).
Publication ethics
The Poison® adheres to the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and to the ethical guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
For specific information regarding article submission, please refer to the Author Submission Guidelines available in The Poison®’s website.